Motor Oil & Transmission Products

Next Lubricants has developed a wide range of Motor Oil Additives that are designed to clean, boost wear protection & performance and fix common issues related to leaks and system cleanliness.

Motor Oil Treatment reduces excessive oil consumption by sealing piston rings and valve guides.
Gear Oil Treatment boosts wear protection resulting in improved shifting performance, longer component life as well as reduced gearbox and differential noises.
Universal Oil Stop Leak stops seal and gasket leaks caused by normal wear and age. Compatible with engine oil, transmission and power steering fluids.
Engine Stop Leak prevents and stops engine oil leaks without dismantling.
ATF Cleaner cleans internal transmission components, quickly and safely removes sludge, varnish and other contaminants. Smooths and reduces gear change noise.
ATF Protectant and Stop Leak helps smooth gear changes. Prevents wear and extends transmission life. Prevents leaks by restoring and maintaining seal condition.
Provide superior protection to ensure a long transmission life.
Helps extend engine life by reducing oxidation, friction, and wear. Compatible with all grades and engine oil chemistries.
Frees sticking valves stems and hydraulic lifter components. Dissolves dirt, gum and varnish deposits from oil channels.
Oil System Cleaner quickly and safely removes varnish, and sludge deposits. Cleans engines, hydraulic systems, gear boxes and differentials without dismantling. It is compatible with all grades and engine oil chemistries and will help increase the life expectancy of newly installed oil.

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