Specialty Oils


Vacuum Pump Oil
Series VPO is a mineral based vacuum pump oil that is ideal for use in a wide variety of applications. Series VPO oils are highly thermally stable with very low volatility, this helps ensure a strong vacuum and a long oil life.
Extended Life Vacuum Pump Oil
An extended life vacuum pump lubricant, Series VPO-XL offers superior protection and performance even in applications with challenging operating conditions. Utilizing a combination of synthetic base oils and advanced additives this formulation will help lengthen oil change out intervals and will also improve system cleanliness.
Extended Life Food Grade Vacuum Pump Oil
VPO-FGXL is a food grade vacuum pump oil that will offer an extended oil life in a wide range of operating conditions. VPO-FGXL is also an extremely clean running formulation and is ideal for vacuum pumps that have issues with carbon and varnish buildup and/or systems with high operating temperatures.
Food Grade Vacuum Pump Oil
VPO-FG is a food grade vacuum pump oil that has been formulated for us in a wide range of food processing applications. This highly stable formulation is ideal for applications that are prone to water contamination and contamination from cleaning chemicals.
Liquid Seal Vacuum Pump Oil
Series VPO-LS is a high performance vacuum pump oil that contains specialized additive package that forms a protective layer on critical components. This layer provides protection against rust and corrosion especially during shut down periods.
Refrigerant Recovery Vacuum Pump Oil
Series VPO-R is a vacuum pump oil that has been formulated specifically for refrigerant recovery systems.
High Temperature Thermal Oil
Nextherm 332 is fully additized thermal oil containing advanced anti-oxidants which helps ensure a long oil life and protection against thermal breakdown. Nextherm 332 is based on highly refined mineral oils and is suitable for applications up to 332 °C (bulk temperature).
High Flash Thermal Oil
Nextherm HF is a thermal oil with a high flash point (270 °C). The high flash point of this formulation allows for higher temperature operations in applications that must operate below the flash point of the thermal oil.
Advanced Thermal Oil
Nextherm 340 is an advanced thermal oil that provides both a very high flash point as well as excellent heat transfer performance at a wide temperature range. Nextherm 340 is ideal for systems operating without the protection of an inert blanket and in systems without forced circulation. Nextherm 340 is also a food grade formulation and meets H-1 requirements for incidental food contact.
Food Grade Thermal Oil
Nextherm FG is a food grade thermal oil that meets requirements for applications with the possibility of incidental food contact (H-1). Nextherm FG is a fully additized formulation with excellent resistance against oxidation and thermal breakdown.

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