Nextherm 340

Nextherm 340

Advanced Thermal Oil

Category : Thermal Oils
Nextherm 340 is an advanced thermal oil that provides both a very high flash point as well as excellent heat transfer performance at a wide temperature range. Nextherm 340 is ideal for systems operating without the protection of an inert blanket and in systems without forced circulation. Nextherm 340 is also a food grade formulation and meets H-1 requirements for incidental food contact.
Nextherm 340 - High-efficiency Oil


NEXTHERM 340 is an advanced thermal oil that offers both excellent thermal transfer efficiency and a high flash point

NEXTHERM 340 combines ultra-pure synthetic base oils with an advanced additive package to ensure superior protection against thermal and oxidative degradation.

NEXTHERM 340 is an environmentally friendly formulation and meets H-1 requirements for incidental food contact.


  • Open and closed loop thermal systems


  • Very high flash point, allows for higher temperature operations
  • Clean running formulation, resists deposit formation
  • Thermally stable formulation
  • Low odour
  • Low volatility and vapour pressure
  • Can be disposed of using standard oil recycling services


Nextherm 340
Viscosity (cSt) @ 40 °C 46
@ 100 °C 7.6
Maximum Temperature

(Open to atmosphere, without inert gas blanket, stagnant bath heater without forced circulation)

Max Bulk OC 288
Max Film OC 362
Maximum Temperature

(closed system, inert gas blanket)

Max Bulk OC 340
Max Film OC 362
Flash Point °C 253
Pour Point °C -47
Auto Ignition Point °C 388
Density  (kg/m3) @ 15 °C 841
Initial Boiling Point °C 391
Thermal Conductivity (W/m*K) @200 °C 0,148
@240 °C 0,146
@260 °C 0,146
Heat Capacity (kJ/kg*K) @200 °C 2,500
@240 °C 2,596
@260 °C 2,644
Vapour Pressure (Kpa) @200 °C 0,32
@240 °C 1,26
@260 °C 2,29

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