Refrigeration & Heat Pump Oil

Next Lubricants offers a wide variety of OEM approved Refrigeration Oils for Refrigeration systems and Heat Pumps. At Next Lubricants, we focus on the future and thus on Natural Refrigerants such as Ammonia (R-717), CO2 (R-744), Butane (R-600) and Propane (R-290).

Next Lubricants Ammonia refrigeration lubricants are proven to offer superior cold temperature fluidity, and lower oil carryover rates. This has been achieved through a decades long research and development effort and a strong collaboration with OEMs throughout the industry. Next Lubricants has also become a leading developer of lubricants for high pressure ammonia heat pumps and ultra-cold refrigeration systems.


Next Lubricants range of lubricants for CO2 refrigeration systems are formulated with the latest anti-wear additives. These additives are critical in CO2 refrigeration systems due to the high pressure involved. Next Lubricants line of Refrigeration Lubricants will help ensure longer component life and improved system efficiency.

Next Lubricants line of refrigeration and heat pump oils have been formulated to provide superior protection and a long lubricant life in a wide range of hydrocarbon gasses. Next Lubricants also offers extensive technical support ensuring that the correct lubricant selection is made.


Next Lubricants line of refrigeration lubricants for HFC gasses have been formulated to provide long lubricant life and excellent protection from wear and oxidation.

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