
Next Lubricants sets itself apart by offering more than just a product. We offer a multitude of
differtent services and support to our customers and partners.

Custom Made Formulations

New and specialty applications often have specific lubrication requirements that cannot be fulfilled by providing an existing oil. Next Lubricants prides itself on its commitment and ability to produce custom made formulations. Next Lubricants production method allows for the development and production of new formulations without the typical large volume commitments normal to most competitors.

Free Oil Analysis

Oil Analysis is a critical tool to understand the health of both the oil and the compressor. As such Next Lubricants offers free oil analysis on all Next Lubricants products. Next Lubricants technicians can also assist in the interpretation of results.

Private Label

All of Next Lubricants 500+ formulations can be packed under private label. In addition to private label packaging, all promotional material, technical data sheets (TDS) and safety data sheets can also be privately labeled. Next Lubricants can also blind ship products.


Next Lubricants offers training seminars, which are a highly effective tool to educate technicians and sales personnel on critical lubrication principals, as well as the many benefits of Next Lubricants compressor formulations.

Lubricant Recommandation

With Next Lubricants in-house Pressure Viscosity Temperature (PVT) tools we are able to give unsurpassed lubricant recommendations. In addition to an oil recommendation, we can also supply the corresponding temperature-viscosity graph to our customers.

Technical Support

Next Lubricants offers in industry leading technical support. Our chemists and technicians are always open for discussions and will try to help where they can.

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